Tip of the Week: Putting Tips with Brandan Kop (Episode 75: 9-30-2024)

Brandan Kop’s Essential Putting Tips: Master the Green! ️

️‍️ Today, Kevin is on the greens with Hawaii Golf Hall of Famer, NCAA and multi-tournament champion Brandan Kop as he shares his top tips to help you sink those putts like a pro!

Tip #1: Left hand low – Keep that lead hand low and in control to guide your putter like a steady ship through the roughest seas.

Tip #2: Firm up the right hand grip – You’ll need to hold the wheel steady! A firm right-hand grip keeps your putter dialed in and on course. Think of it as gripping success with both hands.

🤚 Tip #3: Right hand dominance – Let your right hand steer the show! You’ll sink more putts when your dominant hand takes charge like the captain of the green.

Tip #4: A slightly open stance – Open up your stance just enough to get a better view of the hole—it’s like unlocking the secret to better aim! It’s all about perspective on the putt and the big win. ️‍️

And if you “LIKE” and “SHARE” this video, and “SUBSCRIBE” to our YouTube channel, you can take advantage of 15% OFF putters until the end of the week!

Now go out there and drive those putts home! Every tap is a step closer to victory! See you at the Klipper! ️‍️️

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