Have you ever noticed that when you swing SLOWER, you hit the ball FURTHER?

This is a common experience for the majority of golfers, and the whilst this may not seem logical, the phenomenon can be attributed to a better SEQUENCE in the swing in terms of how a golfer releases the stored power into the ball.

For many golfers, their understanding of the correct sequence is insufficient and mostly incorrect. “Swinging faster” in an attempt to hit the ball further only leads to a less efficient movement resulting in LESS distance, not more. The urge to HIT with the body means the swing’s potential power is never fully released and never gets released into the ball.

So why does “swinging slower” work for so many people? Well the sensation of swinging slower really isn’t slowing the swing down at all. It simply serves to change the sequence of the swing due to less of an intent of the part of the golfer to “smash” the ball as hard as possible. This improved sequence leads to a more efficient release of the power in the swing and results in better contact and greater distance.

This video will show you the drill you can do to improve your swing sequence in the crucial transition from backswing to downswing. Learn to get this vital part of the swing correct, and you’ll see improvements with every club in your bag!

If you’d like to learn more about Stack&Tilt, you can visit the website here – https://stackandtilt.com/

Online Lessons via SKILLEST app – https://skillest.com/app/profile/rob-cheney-2


#stackandtilt #gridlife #swingsequence


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